Actors and agency relations in health systems.
Health professions, organizations and power.
What are the main factors that help understand the power of the medical profession?
Required reading:
Blank, R.H.; Burau, V. 2007. Comparative health policy. 2nd ed. Ch.5, pp. 131-158. [PDF]
Optional readings:
Ferlie, E. et al. 1996. (eds.) The new public management in action. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ch. 7, pp.165-194.
Kickert W. and Klijn, E. 1997 (eds.) Managing complex networks. London:Sage, pp.14-61.
Johnson, T.; Larkin, G.; Saks, M. 1995. (eds.) Health professions and the state in Europe. London: Routledge.